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No. Keterangan Muat Turun Tarikh Berita

PPC Received 5S Certification

Penang Port Commission (PPC) has been awarded with 5S certification by the Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) on 29 May 2012. The handing over ceremony was conducted at PPC's headquarter at Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal.

The certificate has been presented by the Regional Director of MPC, Puan Sarimah Misman to PPC's Chairman, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek. This award was achieved after the auditing by MPC on 16 May 2012.

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 Aras 2, Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal, No.1A, Pesara King Edward
10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang.

604.263.3211 | 604.262.6211 |  sppp[at]penangport[dot]gov[dot]my
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