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Keratan Akhbar

No. Keterangan Tarikh Berita
1 PPC has conducted a two day programme known as Refresher Programme for quality Environment Practices (5S) on 2 and 3 April 2013 held at Selat Selatan Room. This programme is one of the initiative taken by PPC to maintain the 5S certificate which will be expiring on 15 May 2013. 03/04/2013
No. Keterangan Tarikh Berita

PPC organised briefing on MyMeeting (MyMesyuarat) on 4-5 March 2013. The briefing was conducted by Mrs. Fatimah Ghazali, Under Secretary Information Management Division and Ms. Nurul Bariah Abu Bakar, Information Technology Officer from Ministry of Transport.

A total of 34 officers and staffs of PPC attended the two-day briefing. MyMesyuarat is a system developed to carry out official online and paperless meetings among members. PPC will officially implement MyMesyuarat in stages by April 2013.

No. Keterangan Tarikh Berita

On 6 December, Sabah Ports Authority has made a courtesy visit to Penang Port Commission.

The delegate comprises of 13 officers and staff from various department and was headed by its General Manager, Datuk Mayong Omar.

No. Keterangan Tarikh Berita

The Marine Department of Malaysia has developed a ship clearance system will be be utilised by all the ports in Malaysia. This is the pioneer project prior to other coming development in the single window system will be developed later.

Therefore, the Marine Department will be having a presentation and discussion session with Penang Port Commission (PPC) and the port operator Penang Port Sdn. Bhd.(PPSB) on the 27 December 2012 at PPC's office. This meet will emphasize on identifying the best method to integrate the system with the current using system namely, PELKON III.

No. Keterangan Tarikh Berita

Students To Visit Penang Port Commission

Penang Port Commission will be receiving two groups of student from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Dungun, Terengganu on the 30th November and 6th December 2012 respectively.

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 Aras 2, Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal, No.1A, Pesara King Edward
10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang.

604.263.3211 | 604.262.6211 |  sppp[at]penangport[dot]gov[dot]my
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